Guldehandsteeg gardens opened

There are a new set of geveltuinen (wall gardens) in the Guldehandsteeg, which is the extension of the Oudezijds Armsteeg towards the Damrak. There are two main plots along the northern wall, plus a few smaller plots. The main section nearest the water is filled with edible plants (peas, radishes, asparagus etc). While the section nearest the Warmoesstraat is filled with flowering plants. Looking good!

Edible gardens

Edible gardens

Flower gardens (view towards Oudezijds Armsteeg)

Flower gardens (view towards Oudezijds Armsteeg)

The Guldehandsteeg viewed from  the Warmoesstraat towards the Damrak

The Guldehandsteeg viewed from the Warmoesstraat towards the Damrak

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