3. Greetings from the Oudezijds Armsteeg

For more than a decade, starting from the year 2000, the corner of the Oudezijds Armsteeg and the Warmoesstraat was the unwilling rubbish dumping ground for the direct neighbourhood, including all the restaurants, hotels and cafés. Our whimsical poster shows just a few snapshots of the years and years of rubbish.

Greetings from the Oudezijds Armsteeg/Groeten uit de Oudezijds Armsteeg

Greetings from the Oudezijds Armsteeg/Groeten uit de Oudezijds Armsteeg © Erwin Slaats, 2013

There were towering amounts of rubbish on the two days of the week (then, Tuesday and Friday) that were official rubbish days. But, the rubbish mountains were not confined to just those two days, but were a constant and daily problem. Often the pile was higher than an adult, extended several metres into the alley, and sprawled out across almost the whole alley.

In 2008, after many years of intense frustration, we started our first blog, watisermismetdezesteeg.nl; the English web address would have been whatiswrongwiththisalley.nl.

Realising that we had to change the mindset of our neighbours, the community gardens were planted in May 2012, with financial support from the city council and our neighbours, and hard work on the part of some of the residents. Since then we have been fanatical about keeping the gardens and the corner of the Oudezijds Armsteeg and Warmoesstraat free of all forms of rubbish. We have seen for ourselves how rubbish only attracts more and more and more rubbish.

Our poster, and the photos below, remind us that we have achieved a small miracle.

[Dutch translation. TBD]

October 2006

Tuesday, 12 December 2006, 09:52

October 2007

Tuesday, 2 October 2007, 08:01

January 2008

Sunday, 13 January 2008, 11:05

January 2008

Sunday, 13 January 2008, 11:05

March 2010

Saturday, 13 March 2010, 08:17

June 2011

Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 07:52

June 2011

Tuesday, 28 June 2011, 08:26

July 2011

Friday, 1 July 2011, 08:33

January 2012

Tuesday, 3 January 2012, 12:06

Thurdsay, 27 June 2013, 18:41

Thurdsay, 27 June 2013, 18:41

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