New plants

So it is several months later and our gardens are still surviving. But one of the beds was looking a bit bare. It receives little or no natural water, being under a roof, so it drys out quite quickly. Another problem has been that tourists will unthinkingly sit on or stand in the gardens beds, squishing the plants. Irritating.

So today we went and bought a few more plants to fill up some of the bare spots. We also hit upon the idea to plant a boxwood (buxus) border on the edge of the one of the garden beds. Hopefully this will make the tourists pause before trampling on our plants.

It looks so much better and much greener.

Hedged in

Hedged in

We also bought a super-duper 30 metre hose. It is wall-mounted, and best of all it automatically rolls itself up. So now we have no excuse for letting the plants dry out.

New toy

New toy

Finally, here is a photo of the other side. It’s doing well!

Looking good

Looking good

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